Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Rain drops caught on tips of twigs
where yester-summer's leaves grew.

The harmonious havoc of a hundred green things:
Green ferns, and green stream and
Green moss - drooping, tumbling down tree trunks
And falling loose from slippery branches.

A dozen worlds staring out of a dozen puddle mirrors.
Freckled mirrors, when the rain’s falling.

I see music when it’s raining in the woods.


  1. How beautiful! Harmonious havoc is a great descriptive. A+ :)

  2. I like that "freckled mirrors." Poignant. ~Michelle

  3. Naomi, this is beautiful. What a picture it paints!

    You should submit something for the Poem A Day contest (davey@poemaday.org). The dead-line is April 30th and you can submit 2 poems.

    Miss you!
    ~ Jody
